Here are a few things from the article:
Entry door replacement. Removing an existing entry door and replacing with a new 20-gauge steel door proved to be a homeowner's best friend, recouping 128.9 percent of its cost at resale. Among midrange projects, this one recouped the most money by a landslide129%! Adding a new door can pay for itself just by installing it. It also helps increase your homes security and, if install correctly, can increase the energy efficiency of your home. So really, a new door can pay for itself twice.
Minor kitchen remodel. For homeowners looking for smaller-scale projects, a minor kitchen remodel, which includes installing new raised-panel wood doors on cabinets and drawers as well as replacing older appliances with more energy-efficient models, boasts a smaller price tag and a solid return. The project recouped 78.3 percent of its cost at resaleAnother easy fix. If the structural integrity of your kitchen cabinets is good, there may not be a reason to replace them completely. New doors and panels and a little paint can dramatically update the look, feel and value of your kitchen. There is no reason to do a complete kitchen remodel if you are just looking for good return on value.